Thursday, February 5, 2009

Vocabulary expansion

strident - making or having a harsh sound; grating; creaking ("On Noise," pg. 5)

cataract - a descent of water over a steep surface ("On Noise," pg. 6.)

coxswain - a person who is in charge of a ship's boat and its crew, under an officer, and who steers it ("On Noise, pg. 6)

loggerhead - an iron tool consisting of a long handle with a bulbous end, used when heated to melt tar or warm liquids ("On Noise, pg. 6)

ardent - having, expressive of, or characterized by intense feeling; passionate; fervent ("On Noise," pg. 7)

indignant - feeling, characterized by, or expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base ("On Running After One's Hat," pg. 252)

ardor - great warmth of feeling; fervor; passion ("On Running After One's Hat," pg. 253)

repose - the state of reposing or being at rest; rest; sleep ("On Running After One's Hat," pg. 253)

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